You have done it. And perhaps you still do it. You wash your face after your workout, so you think it helps to keep your skin healthy. A few days later, you’re still struggling with unwanted skin issues. You start wondering where you’re going wrong.
When adopting a new fitness routine, or when working out, you’re going to notice unwanted skin issues but that should not keep you from working out because, in this article, you’re going to learn some powerful tips and tricks you can incorporate before and after working out to keep your skin looking healthy and shining.
Usually, many people choose not to work out since they feel it’s one of the ways that contribute to the growth of pimples on the face. It’s important to remain healthy and fit, both for your mental and physical wellbeing. With this in mind, wouldn’t it be great to get your sweat on, without worry so much about acne and other skin problems?
If you’re worried that working out will cause skin issues, then try these tips on how to take care of your skin before and after working out.
1. Use The Right Skincare Treatments
While skincare treatments are useful when working out, some may lead to dried skin while others may help to cleanse it.
Unfortunately, there is a wealth of skincare products you will find at the gym but not all are good for everyone. That’s why dermatologists recommend using skincare treatments specifically made for your skin. A good rule of thumb is to apply a gel cleanser for people vulnerable to acne or a cream cleanser for those with sensitive skin. You may also want to use an oil-free moisturizer for those with oily skin.
Athia is one of the best skincare treatments for women who work out. The skincare product is especially important when working outdoors as it buffers your skin against UV rays and pollution. The cleanser is also antibacterial so it aids in fighting the bacteria in your sweat that’s associated with premature aging.
If you already have lines on your face, this cleanser will smoothen them and minimize dark spots. Athia is made with 100% natural ingredients so you rest assured your face will not only look fresh but will also stay rejuvenated at all times.
2. Take a Shower After Working Out
Many people have been doing this but a few know the benefits of hitting the showers after exercise. Usually, when working out, sweat and oils accumulate on your face. The sweat buildup can harbor bacteria and microbes which are harmful to your skin.
When you take a shower, you remove the buildup of sweat and oils together with the microbes and bacteria hence keeping your skin healthy. You must have felt that bad scent after a prolonged workout. The bad odor is caused by the bacteria that accumulate on your skin. Besides, showering makes you smell good.
A good rule of thumb is to carry your body and face cleanser when going to the gym since not all the cleansers found in most gyms are antimicrobial.
3. Cool Down Your Skin After Workout
Usually, people make a mistake to prioritize relaxing their muscles after a workout, but they forget to cool down the skin as well.
When working out in the sun or even when you sweat, the skin’s restorative process is constrained by the heat. And as mentioned above that you need to shield your skin from UV rays, you also need to protect your complexion from heat energy as well. To cool down your face, always wash it with cool water during or after workout.
4. Avoid Hot Showers
During winter, it’s easy to run to hit a hot shower after working out. However, this can do more harm to your skin than good. In fact, it can lead to dry skin, especially if you take hot showers regularly after working out. When the skin is dry, you’re going to feel irritated hence the urge to scratch it. Scratching your skin too much will pave the way for bacteria and yeast to invade your skin.
5. Avoid Wearing Makeup When Working Out
Some makeups may block your skin pores, which is not healthy for your skin during work out. If you’re going to exercise, take out any foundation beforehand. And if you find it hard to work out without makeup, then wear waterproof mascara. Otherwise, remove powder and blush before working out.
6. If You Can’t Shower, Use Body Wipes
Understandably, you may not want to take a full shower after every workout. But cleaning off the oils and sweat that build up on your skin is a must after working out. When you leave the sweat to dry on your skin, you give bacteria room to grow inside your pores and this can lead to skin breakouts.
Wipe off the sweat with cleansing wipes as you wait to take a shower. As you can see, there is no reason to avoid exercise. If you are worried about skin issues, we hope this article helps you know how to take care of your skin before and after working out.
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